The composition of normal microbial flora (microbiota) of the vagina is a complex and dynamic system, influenced by endogenous and exogenous factors such as age, sexual life, medical history, any hormonal disorders, hormone or antibiotic treatments undertaken by the woman in concern as well as the existence of a genetic condition.  Consequently, the microbiota in the genital area has a serious impact both on the reproductive function of the woman and on her overall quality of life.

The samples are collected by the gynaecologist and include epithelial cells from the vagina, posterolateral vaginal wall and urethra.

The particular test:

  • Investigates on a molecular level the composition of the normal microbial flora of the urogenital tract of a woman.
  • Qualitatively detects the total bacterial DNA detected in the sample, DNA from Doderelein Lactobacillus species, and additionally distinguishes the DNA from each pathogenic microbe of the flora

Through this examination, the following are achieved:

  • Comparison of the quantity of Doderelein Lactobacillus species against the total amount of bacteria detected, in order to evaluate the possible existence of a disorder in the vaginal normal flora.
  • It ensures the reliability of the result, preventing false negative results from being obtained due to the quantitative analysis of the genomic DNA collected from human epithelial cells.
  • Detection of pathogenic microbes causing infection and determination of the degree of imbalance of microbial flora, so that the doctor can handle each clinical case accordingly and precisely. Personalized treatment permits the reduction of side effects induced by excessive or improper medication.
  • Monitoring of side effects induced by pharmaceutical treatment on the microbial flora of the urogenital system and the evaluation of the effectiveness of the treatment to return to its normal composition.

The table below enlists in detail all the microbes that are molecularly tested through this test:

Table 1. Microorganisms detected by Femoflor 16 REAL-TIME PCR

  1. Total Bacterial Mass (TBM)
  2. Lactobacillus spp.
  3. Enterobacterium spp.
  4. Streptococcus spp.
  5. Staphylococcus spp.
  6. Gardnerella vaginalis/ Prevotella bivia/ Porphyromonas spp.
  7. Eubacterium spp.
  8. Sneathia spp./ Leptotrihia spp./ Fusobacterium spp.
  9. Megasphaera spp./ Veillonella spp./ Dialister spp.
  10. Lachnobacterium spp./ Clostridium spp.
  11. Mobiluncus spp./ Corynebacterium spp.
  12. Peptostreptococcus spp.
  13. Atopobium vaginae
  14. Mycoplasma hominis
    Mycoplasma genitalium
  15. Ureaplasma urealyticum
  16. Ureaplasma parvum
  17. Candida spp.